Saturday, January 19, 2013

Wives and Lovers

Here it is Saturday afternoon. I slept in till 8:30--blessed. Got up and immediately went to my quilting room. I have been here for seven hours, except for a little intermission for breakfast.

Just a few minutes ago I went into the bathroom and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Yikes! I was still in my "pajamas"; well actually I didn't need a mirror to tell me that. My "pajamas", because I haven't done the laundry for about five days are a grey turtleneck and flowered bottoms of stretch material. It's a lovely ensemble--and no there are no pictures here. I get very cold at night and my flannel pj bottoms and long sleeved tees were waiting in the laundry basket. That's how I came up with this fabulous outfit.

Then there was my hair. Eeek! My bangs were sticking up in four different directions and the rest was just unruly. My husband was in the hallway and I said, "Wow, you've had to look at me like this!" He quipped, "Well I haven't turned to stone yet!" Smart aleck.

As I was coercing my hair back into some semblance of order, I started thinking about the song, "Wives and Lovers." When I was eight or nine, our family lived in Northern California in a rural resort area. My Mom had several Andy Williams albums, one of which "Canadian Sunset." The song Wives and Lovers was on it. I cannot tell you how many, many times I listened to, sang with and danced to that song.

Me, at eight years old

Here I am, brushing my hair and I start giggling as I remember the lyrics. Saying they are slightly outdated would be ridiculously dishonest. I've found the song on YouTube just so you could hear Andy Williams dreamy voice and have some giggles yourself about the lyrics!

By the way...I'm dressed now!


  1. Oh, dear! The way you describe it... I could be looking at you and think I was looking in the mirror! I love my pj's, too! Really enjoyed your story. And the song. Thanks for sharing!

    1. So glad you dropped by! I love to get into my jammies as soon as I come home and know that I'm not going out again!

  2. Its the truth and husbands should not stop courting their wives too. Beautiful clean song. Thanks.

    1. It is important for husband's and wives to treat each other as sweetly and lovingly as they did when they were courting. I'm glad you enjoyed the song!

  3. Hahaha.....I'm in my PJs about 3 out of the 7 days in a week. We need to start a PJ club.


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