Beware Bloggers! The Learning Curve is Steep!

Before I even begin, I want to issue an apology to all those who viewed
Saturday's post and found there were no pictures. Instead of pictures there were grey ovals with a white rectangle in the middle. Shut the door! you thought, what are those gray things? Luckily one of my followers, Susan, from
The Bored Zombie, let me know of this travesty!
I had been looking at Google+ (which I am a part of) and found a tab named photos. I checked it out. Omigosh and golly! there were all these pictures in there. I hadn't put any in there either. And there were duplicates. So I deleted duplicates and took out a few I didn't want Google+ friends seeing.

After hours of searching Google, I finally figured out the answer. I had to wade through a gigantic list of back-and-forths in a forum. I deserve a medal for that! You think it would be easy to find the answer to the problem, since Blogger is
run by Google!
And that, my gentle listeners, is the mistake I made. Interestingly enough, Blogger (Google) stores the pictures from your Blogger with Picasa. These pictures are displayed in the picture section of Google+. When I deleted pictures, they disappeared from my blog...I didn't know where to blow my stack or to beat my head against the wall.
Soooo, my apologies! I wish Google could issue an apology to y'all, but hey I have better things to do than wait for eternity for
that to happen!
I have put back the pictures for that post and for what appears on the sidebars. I'll work on restoring the remainder a bit at a time. Luckily there are still a few there, since I didn't delete those.
Back to design wall. I reported my progress on the Log Cabin and Spool quilts on aforementioned blog post. It's worth reading. (Shameless self-promotion) with lots of pictures and happenings in my life while not posting. Eagerly you can click
here to see that high caliber entry.
Meanwhile, here's other projects that are in the crock pot of progress.
I am making an Advent Calendar for Christmas for Curly. I've made each of my grandkids an Advent Calendar. All of them were felt and sequin types and, surprisingly, were fun to make.
Until Now.
The previous calendars have been so much fun...I don't know what Bucilla has done. I think the intelligent drones who write the instruction for the calendars in the past have been replaced by evil drones from a wicked planet. The directions are obtuse. As if that's not enough, they skip steps, they don't tell you what embroidery stitch or color to use. I am very sick of looking at directions, consulting diagram, reviewing the key to diagram, and looking at the photo. I would just think I was just dense, but I've done these before.
All this has caused me to avoid the calendar. The progress is not much and the deadline is Thanksgiving. Thank goodness that provides motivation. Up till now that hasn't been much motivation, but I'm sure as the weeks pass by the motivation will increase exponentially!
How It Will Look When Finished |
My Progress |
Here's a look at quilts that I'm working on block-by-block. I have no deadline. Of course that means they are always pushed aside.
The blocks on the left are for a
Blue-and-White Quilt, a sampler type quilt.
Second from the left are blocks for my redwork quilt, Innocence Lost.
Third from left is a BOM from Keepsake Quilting. I got it as a beginner's quilt when I first started quilting. It was way beyond my expertise. I have been able to do all the techniques for years now, but it really is low priority.
The blocks on the right are for a churn dash quilt. Each block will be made out of fabric used on each quilt I make. I got the idea when I was hand quilting a quilt top my
Aunt Marie that had made of
six-pointed stars. I realized as I quilted that it was a charm quilt. Thus my idea for the churn dash quilt was born. I'll just make the blocks until I have enough for a quilt. When that one is done, I'll choose another block pattern and continue. I have to catch up on recent quilts, but I don't turn out many quilts a year, so it's not many.
I'm hooking up with other quilters. Wander by and visit their creations! The links are on the right side bar.
Patchwork Times
Show and Tell Tuesday
Fabric Story
WIP Wednesday
It's A Party
We Did It Wednesday
Enjoy the day AND Happy Quilting!